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Welcome to the online home of Affton Veterinary Clinic, providing quality medicine and  compassionate care for all of your pets.  We combine the expertise of a large practice with the personal attention

you can only find at a smaller clinic.

As a pet owner, we know you want to give your pet the best care and treatment possible in case of illness and to maintain your pet’s general wellness.

That is EXACTLY what we provide at

Affton Veterinary Clinic!​

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Being a very misunderstood creature, many snakes are killed every year by people who are simply fearful. I am hopeful that introducing this information to you, we can shed a little light on things and help stop the killing of an innocent and

misunderstood animal…the pit viper.

In the 1980’s PVRP located densities of Tiber Rattlesnakes around the St. Louis area. In order to protect the species we are studying, locations of these densities are kept quiet.

These densities were monitored to determine the size and numbers of snakes and emergence dates from den sites. In 2000, radio telemetry was introduced to the research group and transmitters were surgically implanted into the first group of snakes in order to track them. The research continued until 2006, at which time the research expanded to several conservation areas and one research location in southern Missouri. Originally called TRRP (Timber Rattlesnake Research Project) the project was renamed PVRP (pit Viper Research Project) to include the Osage Copperhead and the Western Cottonmouth.

Dr. Brooks is very passionate about her involvement with PVRP.

Feel free to contact her with any questions.

Here Dr. Brooks displays a Copperhead that was just implanted with a

transmitter for tracking.


Saving Snakes

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"Removing a Tick"

Come join Dr. Tara with 2GuysTalking for the show today, OCtober 26th out at the St. Louis Pet Expo (St. Charles Convention Center). Dr. Tara will be interviewing multiple rescue groups and pet friendly organizations. And at 3:15pm will be resenting on Stem Cell Therapy. Come on out!!

Copyright 2022, No animals were harmed in the making

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               Affton Hours

Monday                        9-7pm

Tuesday                       8-5pm

Wednesday                  9-5pm

Thursday                      9-7pm

Friday                          9-5pm

Saturday                      9-1pm

Sunday                        Closed


8100 Gravois Road

Affton, Mo 63123

Call us at  (314)352-8600

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