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Family In Balance
Do YOU feel like you're managing some areas well but others are in complete CHAOS?
Don’t trust YOURSELF or YOUR choices?
You have strengths, skills and confidence, but they are all covered up with things draining your energy.
Are you tired of feeling like you are not understood, seen or heard?
Can't stand the overwhelming feeling of NAGGING and it drives your daily behaviors?
Feelings of failing at things that are important to you
Want to feel good about WHO YOU ARE but everything is dragging YOU down
Leaving you feeling frustrated and powerless at the end of every day.

take control of
I am sure you would agree that taking control of your life seems impossible at times. The first step is to be aware and know what is out of control. Ask yourself
“Does my life have to be out of control”?
Life moves extrememly fast! You have had no time to slow down and think. One thing piles right on top of another and its just keeps coming. Here at Family In Balance we feel your pain. You do not have to do this alone and we will never JUDGE you.. You can have your life back and be HAPPY!

stop talking...
Do you ever sit and just dream about where you could be if you won the lottery or landed the job of a life time or if I could get up every morning with the best attitude and dinner would make itself. Would you agree sometimes we feel like we are standing on the outside of the world looking in?
Things are a mess, life is out of control. Do you ever find yourself talking about all the things you want to or will do? With all the demands of the world it feels like it is never going to get easier and sometimes it may be easier to sit on the couch or eat everything in the cabinet because for 30 minutes it make it all go away.
Let me ask you a question...What happened to you? What do you want? The life that you have been given will never be perfect. We will be pulled down and kicked more than once a day. You will always have to make decisions and deal with adversity.
Balance is not about perfection. It is about an attitude. Do you have the courage to fight and live like you deserve to have more. Are you going to let everything that happens in one day control you or are you going to control it?
Let's Change it today! STOP TALKING AND START LIVING. It all starts with you!
Stop letting life happen to you and make it happen!
Organize your Home or Office
Have you tried to get de-clutter or get organized? Have you discovered that your life would be easier if you had order instead of chaos? Learn how we can help.

Leisa Jenkins
Happy Home Developer
Let's chat?
Leisa...what would we do without you!!! Your gift is so specific, so helpful, so inspirational to so many...including those you don't know! Thank you Leisa and thank you God for sending her to earth...we love her and how she paints a smile on the face of your earth where ever she goes!!!
-- Gloria
What is draining your ENERGY?
Want ENERGY? Let's find out What’s Zapping Your Energy? We all get draggy from time to time. A sleepless night here and there, a stressful day at home or the office. When you're constantly feeling drained, it might be time to look at what's bringing you down. Let's Chat about my one time assessment- IT WILL LEAVE YOU ENERGIZED ABOUT LIFE!!
Taking back your life is not about stopping everything or starting over. It is not even about giving up everything you are doing. Taking back your life is whatever you want it to be. You are the owner of your life and it is time you fight for it.
Forget what every one else wants and needs. Sure you still have to maintain your responsibilities, and accomplish your to do list. Taking back your life is identifying your priorities and what needs to happen to keep them front and center.
Together we will discover what is draining your energy. Taking back your life starts with you. You can accomplish this and so much more! Your thoughts, emotions, actions and decisions are your responsibility. You have the power to take back your life one step at a time. It is time to start living and loving life!!
It is not how long you live, it is how you choose to live your life." Janet Fishman Newman.
What a joy and gift from God you are to me. You bring me so much encouragement. Thank you for letting me share my heart.
-- Ms. Sandra
You always seem so organized and positive, so content and joyful with your life. I just wanted to let you know how much I admire your attitude and how much I enjoy your positive posts when so many are always so negative.
Thank you!
-- Steven
Leisa's help was exactly what I needed to focus and get my kitchen organized once and for all. She paid particular attention to placing our frequently used items in cabinets convenient to where we use them. We have been easily able to keep up with the plan and are able to plan our meals more easily since we can see everything. She has inspired me to keep going on the rest of the house!
-- Trish