CALL US : 636-744-3989
Family In Balance
Family In Balance offers a variety of services
1 hour assessment session with your organizer
A detailed Summary with pictures & ideas emailed to you within 48 hours.
Your organizers undivided attention until the job is complete.
Plan of action report emailed to you after you have accepted the Summary
Staying within your budget is our goal
“Hiring a professional organizer is expensive and we can't afford to buy all the items needed for the job”
Here at Family In Balance we believe that saving money on any project must be priority. Leisa teaches each client on how to use the things already in their home, when available. In some cases we have to by inexpensive items but we promise to do our best to find great deals, saving you the money everytime. We love DYI projects and will show you how to turn simple items into functional systems.
In some cases our clients have decided to shop for all brand new items and opted out of reuse and recycle. We are happy to assist in all situations.
This is always your choice and we will come beside you.
Leisa certified life and family coach. She understands that everyone’s needs are different. She understands the feelings behind de-cluttering and wanting the space you need. Leisa promises to be dedicated to your needs and meet you where you a re in your life currently, with her nonjudgmental approach.