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Tip’s for running a smoother home


A Smoother Life at home is possible!


Running a smoother home can be tricky but with a little desire, you CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!


Every family is different & you deserve the very best.  I would love to sit down with you and define goals for your family.


Simplify YOUR LIFE by

  • Enjoying what you have

  • Lending a helping hand

  • Focusing on Quality not Quantity

  • Simplifying your surroundings

  • Clearing out Emotional Clutter


Put your Family as priority by:

  • Working as a team

  • Appreciateing each other

  • Encouraging each other

  • Praying together

  • Listening

  • Laughing

  • Don't give up the things you love

  • Deciding what comes first in life

  • Finding support and positive influences

  • Helping it will help YOU grow


You are never to busy to:

  • Decide who is in charge of you

  • Force yourself to make time

  • Remove the word busy from your life

  • Plan things but don't overplan


Just for the kids

  • Listen to the people in your life who want to see you succeed

  • Follow through with the things you are passionate about

  • Be who you want to be not who someone else sees you as

  • Respect yourself and those around you

​© 2014 by Family In Balance

Proudly created by TimeHelperz

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